Friday, August 7, 2015

#PitchWars mentee bio!

Well, this is the first writing contest I've ever even entered, let alone one quite like this one!  For any potential mentors reading, my MS is adult contemporary fantasy, and you can find me on Twitter @lucia_kaku. I also now have an author-dedicated blog:

Tidbits about my reading habits:
~ I was known as the "Walking and Reading Girl" in my neighborhood growing up. It's about the most imaginative nickname ever. I nearly walked into many a car or tree doing that.
~ I read at least half of the Harry Potter books while sitting up a tree.
~ The first chapter book I ever read was a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for kids. By the time I was done with it, it was falling apart.
~ I'm an avid re-reader. If I love a book, chances are I've read it at least three times.
~ The most well-written plot in the world won't keep me reading if I don't connect with the characters.

Tidbits about my writing habits:
~ I thought for the longest time I was an Epic Fantasy Writer. In my PitchWars project, I decided to try something contemporary, and it really took off (for me, hopefully my potential mentors agree!).
~ My current PitchWars project started as third person, but first person kept intruding until I changed it.
~ Although I don't much enjoy Anne McCaffrey's writing, I'm unashamedly fanatic about RPing in Pern and have spent years of my life there.
~ I work best in silence and in private, mostly because I read aloud what I'm working on repeatedly and constantly feel like that would be annoying to listen to.
~ When I feel like my words jump off the page in crystalline rainbows and embrace the reader in all their glory, I will go back and read those specific words approximately 80,000 times. With a stupid grin every time.

Non-reading or -writing related tidbits:
~ I currently live in Japan, but I'm from Texas.
~ When in Texas, I'm on the street cast of a Renaissance Festival and am constantly exposed to brilliance, randomness, raunchiness, and love.
~ Henry VIII is my favorite English king, and Anne of Cleves had it GOOD.
~ I'm not good at it, but I love to belt out songs in the car.
~ Japanese is my pet project for now, but I love language in general. (Except French. Never again, French. Never again.)
~ Eleven is my Doctor, but I'm also a huuuge fan of Two, and have several Classic Who stories on DVDs with plans to expand my collection when I move back home permanently.
~ I practice tea ceremony and have my own kimono.
~ I have plans to travel the world via cruise ship (no really, that's a thing).

I dream of a time when I can make writing my living, sleep in as late as I want, and stay up until 5 in the morning, drinking Pepsi and muttering to myself about metaphors. I don't do mornings, don't understand morning people, and the biggest downside of my job as a teacher is having to wake up early for school. If school started at 10 in the morning, I'd be so much more cheerful.

Now that submissions are open, you probably got here via this wonderful blog-hop!